Sunday, September 29, 2013


We got some new things for the house this weekend, and are getting a bigger addition for it next weekend. But in the meantime...

...Sneak peek at a possible DIY project....

Pretty light when I get home from school...

Always love my drive home, but it's especially beauts lately...

We moved a couch into the fireplace room and are loving it!! Now we just need another new couch for the other TV room...

Working on my woodstove skills, it will soon be a daily thing once it gets colder...

She is starting to take up more furniture space than we are...

Early morning fog...


Windblown Pippa post-head-out-window...

Saturday, September 7, 2013

loving weekends (in pictures)

(The top of a raspberry buttercream cake our Czech friends made us the night before our wedding. It made the move with us from our little apartment and we saved it for our year anniversary, and it was delish!)

(a favorite weekend dinner of slices and wine not pictured)

and just some love:

Monday, September 2, 2013

1 year

1 year ago, we were getting married!

 It was a beautiful day, and we were so excited to celebrate with everyone that came up to Westminster West to be with us. We couldn't have been happier all day...

 ...and we drove by this house on our way home to our tiny apartment, hoping that in a few more months, it would still be for sale...

It is hard to imagine life a year ago, before being married and having a puppy and owning a house with land that needs to be mowed often.

This time last year, I was so excited for our new life to start. And now that it has, it seems to just get better all the time!

Excited for another year with my loves in our home...

Sunday, September 1, 2013

clearing the front yard

Last weekend, we had 3 cords of wood delivered, most of which fits in our garage:

We marked off where a car would need to go so there is room for both car and wood. 

We started clearing away the awful ferns and weeds near the house... Pippa helped by eating them:

Some of the greenery is nice perennial flowers, so yesterday I pruned those and dug up anything else that looked overgrown/ugly. Maybe it wasn't a great idea digging up stuff now versus weeding throughout the summer. That was the original plan! Oh well. We'll see if we have as many pretty flowers next spring...

in the process of clearing:

And after:

Newly mowed lawn, where the awful weeds lived all summer:

Jesse's 'man barn'...

No more prickers in front of the barn! We'll plant grass seed for next spring:

This was last weekend, yesterday I continued demolishing the front.