Maybe if we had less actual feet (yes, plural) of snow... Because I can honestly say I don't remember EVER having this much snow around in all my 26 years. I fell through today (in the balmy slushy 35 degrees) and it was past my knee! Mid-thigh. I was actually appalled.
Anyway, this was supposed to be focused on the bright side of things. So. In spite of this never-ending season, I had a Tuesday off this week thanks to good old-fashioned town meeting day and being outside that afternoon was actually o.k.
After around the 8th snowstorm, the back marsh no longer became really walkable....the week or two when it was consistently below zero (sob) made the snow crust hard enough to support us, but lately Pippa's started falling through, so we don't do our usual exploring through the marsh into the woods. Too. Much. Snow. BUT this week was sunny, and I braved the tundra and Pippa frolicked around while I realized how pretty it all still is.
Jesse's been clearing out the barn and found two long boards, which he dragged down and made into footbridges for us to easily cross the
Pippa's nervous crossing the first bridge, so she sometimes finds narrow spot to leap over. But coming back she's ok! And she is getting better.
She was hoping I'd come back before she had to cross :)
That blue sky! I just need to remember to look up once in awhile. And keep thinking Spring!