Thursday, June 6, 2013

June! Almost summer! &weeding.

It is June at last, and with that comes weird weather and heat and report cards and end-of-school-year craziness. It also means I am so close to a few weeks of working on my house during WEEKDAYS! I can't wait for this, the weekends seem to just fly by during spring and summer and coming home after long school days makes it hard to get much done at the house during the week. I have lots of tutoring starting in july and a couple courses too, but having a few days every few weeks to be home will be so wonderful. 
I need to make a to-do list of the things that can realistically get done this summer. A couple of things NEED to get done and others would just be nice. Ill make my list for another post to help me keep track.

One item on the list I've already semi-started: occasional weeding. In some ways the least fun way to spend 'free time' but really so satisfying when you can see your flowers/stone wall again. There is also something  strangely therapeutic about tearing up invasive tall weeds from soil (that you own, still so crazy to me) and having the whole root come up with it.

 Apparently the weed we have all over is a really bad kind (forget the name; is it worth finding out?) and the only way to truly get rid of it forever is to tear it up and then cover the ground where it grew with black garbage bags. For TWO YEARS. We have it all along our stone wall near the picnic table, and all along the other side of the wall down near the stone stairs. We also have it it under the apple tree in this large circular space. The ones near the evergreens near the road don't bother me and its not as bad there, but the other two places are definitely a few days worth of work. That is a lot of black garbage bags on our pretty green lawn. I'm still debating whether to do that this summer once we've torn them all up. It'd be hideous and sad but also maybe worth it if they're gone...(if we do it and they come back? I can see my future self having a bit of a fit) Either way, it's not like I'm going to be planting and gardening  like crazy in those spots in the next two years; there is plenty of other places to garden and other things to do so maybe we'll do it. In the meantime, I have a cartfull of the weed I tore up yesterday morning that I need to put in the trash.  You have to dispose of them all like trash (vs dumping them somewhere) so they won't spread. I tackled some in the front of our house a couple weeks ago when I saw they were crowding our precious irises and day lilies. The rest will have to wait.

Pretty flowers left for me, Jesse is gone for a couple weeks so the house feels large... at least it smells good :)

Started the hallway! The wallpaper didn't want to come off easily so the impatience in us won over and we just painted over it; the OCD in Jesse won over and after 3ish shades of blue he found one he likes! Before he could change his mind again the pictures were moved to the hallway for him to 'place' and yay! It'll be a work in progress all the time and I can't wait to keep adding things.

Our peonies are not blooming yet ( I'm hoping this week! Or at least sometime! Anytime, just bloom) but my parents have beautiful ones so I took a couple to hold me over while I wait. They smell so amazing and brighten up our bathroom :)

I am loving the drive into town, the warm weather makes everything brighter and more alive--case in point my first stop-for-cows crossing.

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