Sunday, August 11, 2013

Our new addition!

A few weeks ago, this happened:

We had talked about maybe getting a dog, and summer is the best time since I'm home more often, but I wasn't completely sold on the idea of having a helpless animal/baby/commitment/responsibility/I could go on... However, when Jesse's friend told him that he had four puppies to give away, and I found out that there was a yellow girl, and saw that face...

 I couldn't resist. And Jesse was already completely sold and had been for awhile, but now we are so in love and feel even more like a little family than we already had (which was a lot!) 

Pippa is a shedding sweet quiet love and being responsible for her is actually a responsibility I feel ok about: I don't even mind vacuuming up her fur (yes it is fur; if it was 'hair' then it would not fall out) because her face alone makes it all worth it (and the fact that she follows us around all day and is calm are just bonuses!)

Jesse and I have done a few house things, but Pippa has obviously become the priority. The summer is quickly finishing up, but the pretty skies will hopefully continue through fall. 

On our way home from Boston last weekend:

The back-to-school stresses have started, as they have for 4 years now (have I really been teaching for 4 years??) but I know that by early September they'll be gone and it will be like riding a bike...a giant tandem bike with 18 fifth graders pedaling along behind me :)

I continue to be in love with summer, and fall too-- once school actually starts. I'm excited to see the trees around the house change, and get rid of some of the greenery in front of the house this fall so that we can start fresh in spring. First to go; the tall ferns in front of the windows. Then the weeds under the apple tree, so our front yard will (hopefully) be just grassy next summer!

Sitting on the back porch, using our woodstove (with the 4 cords of wood we ordered) and taking long walks without mosquitoes will be nice too! 

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