Monday, November 25, 2013

Almost Thanksgiving!

It's crazy to think about this time last year;  I taught on Monday and Tuesday, and our offer was accepted on the house! Jesse was traveling with a group in Boston, and I remember waiting in such suspense to hear back about our offer, and then our counter offer... Our realtor warned me that because of the holiday, it might take awhile, and I was afraid we'd have to wait days to hear back--the day after Thanksgiving seemed like YEARS away, let alone the week after which I don't think I could handle. I was wondering how I'd sleep the next few nights, and she called to say our offer was accepted! I couldn't believe it, and can't believe it was a year ago that it all started.

It took many months, but worked out perfectly because we were able to spend most of the winter warm in our teeny apartment, and move in the spring, as we had ideally hoped to. We made our offer last November, earlier than we'd thought, because we realized how much we really wanted this house, and that it was actually a possibility for us after being just a dream for a long time.

It feels like each year, more and more things happen and change, and life is just moving right along. Thinking back to a year ago always surprises me at how much has happened, and I am thankful for a lot this year!

This love-bug:

mornings at home (all times of the day at home, but quiet early mornings when just Pips and I are awake are pretty nice; even if they're colder and darker each day!):

walks and finding new trails, away from roads so Pippa can roam free:

(and then nap)

Good old-fashioned mail, especially when it's from friends! Invitations to Kelly's annual partay and this magazine (thank you Cat!) came on the same day, and it was the best mailday!

(I still love seeing our names and address on mail, I don't know when that will get old but it still makes me so does our own real-life mailbox :)

And it means it's officially the holidays...! So I can display this tree-topper proudly, even though it's been on the mantle since I picked it up at the Santa's Land sale a few weeks ago...

It has been reassuring and so nice having family close by, as it always has been but especially as the weather gets colder, and a bit more...precarious (I won't say 'dangerous,' because it isn't even December yet...plenty of time for ice storms, blizzards, etc. etc.) They are so helpful and having them nearby make it seem less lonely when Jesse is traveling!

Since I met him 10 years ago, I have felt like I was lucky to know Jesse. It was too much for my 16 year-old self to even hope that I'd get to share my life with such a sweet, smart, handsome man someday:) So I feel thankful for him every single day...whether he is here, or away.

 And of course, I am thankful for this house, which keeps growing on me with each day and each new season, and with each new detail we make ours. Like rugs!  Jesse is in Hawaii, and so I had to get his input on rugs via picture messages:

And we were able to agree on one:

Even when the wind knocks trees across our road and we lose power, even when Jesse isn't here and I have to keep the wood stove going myself (this also requires getting it started, which took a bit of practice), I feel so thankful that this is where we get to call home.

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