Monday, November 11, 2013

November (or, keeping warm&a new couch!)

Somehow this blog is becoming a monthly-entry situation, which makes me sad sometimes. But then I realize that life is busy and busy is good sometimes, so until there is time again (think December vacay) it will have to do.

Fall came and went too quickly, as I knew it would but it has been so beautiful and fun! I wish the memories would carry me through the impending looooong cold winter months ahead, but I know that by...January? hopefully not sooner? I will have forgotten how great fall was and will just be willing spring to come.

Halloween was a sort of sad bust, with NO trick-or-treaters. Zero! After about 7pm I gave up waiting in the kitchen and retreated to the back fireplace room, so some may have possibly arrived late and I didn't hear them. Not even our charming jack-o-lantern enticed any!

Hopefully next year the cold rain will stay away, and the trick-or-treaters will come. In the meantime, we are enjoying the last few precious green sunny above 32˚ days.....

We discovered a great field a short walk from our house, which I was nervous to walk on (you have to walk directly past the 'private property: no trespassing' sign to get to the field) but I feel braver with Jesse (the local) with me. Who is confident that it's fine to walk there, since they clear XC ski trails through it all winter. We'll see this winter, and who knows, I may pull my childhood skis out of storage! (severe childhood...I used them from ages 5 to 10....)

Pippa enjoying being off her leash:

And in home-improvement news...we got a new couch! 

We ordered it a few weeks ago, and then sort of forgot about it until it came on Saturday. The room has been cold, but we were using so much wood in our fireplace room that we realized it wasn't the best place for us to watch TV or relax. So we found a door in our barn, and my dad 'installed' it for us last week so that the heat from the woodstove in the kitchen stays within this room. The door isn't painted (the other side is a cool olive color) so we're brainstorming whether to paint it white, which is what we're slowly doing to the cream trim in this room, or to pick a fun color. This way we can enjoy this room, and our new (and larger) TV that we got weeks ago.

Back to the couch: we ordered it in a light gray and we love the color!! And it's so comfy, so it passes our tests. Now we just need a good rug and low coffee table...

We are debating upgrading our stove in the kitchen to a bigger one that will give off more heat. This one is awfully pretty but a bit small. We'll see. In the meantime, it serves its purpose for making rainy weekends amazingly cozy:

And our Pip's first snow!!
(side note: she always cocks her head like this when you call her, or when you say anything really, and often from side to side. It appears that she always has a crooked neck but really it's just when you talk to her or say something :)  It's like she's attempting to decipher what in the world we're saying.) 

 I missed the first snow, I was at school surrounded by excited 5th graders (not as excited as 1st graders were last year, I think I was more into it this year than they were.) A great perk of Jesse working from home is that he is there to let Pippa play outside, and keep her from being cooped up in her crate all day. This week he's traveling, and he will be a lot in the next couple months, but knowing that she is able to be with him most days makes me much less guilty. The trials of a being a working mother! Ha. I was so sad when Jesse told me how excited Pippa was, running and leaping at the flakes. BUT I'm sure there will be PLENTY of other snows that I will be here for that she will enjoy. 

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